#2208 Change DNS UI to use new DNS API
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by pvoborni.

#2081 provides new DNS API.

Web UI for DNS should be extended to benefit from the new DNS API.

New API allows to define properties of various dns types individually.

UI should be changed this way:
DNS record search page should remain unchanged (but it will be changed in ticket #2094).

DNS record details page:

It should use a table for each type, similar to HBAC/sudo rule. For example:

SRV Records

x | Priority | Weight | Port | Target [Delete] [Add]

x | 0 | 100 | 88 | test

By clicking on delete the selected value will be deleted.
Clicking on add will show modal dialog similar to entity adder dialog. Dialog will contain fields appropriate for its type.

If DNS record doesn't contain any values for certain type the table is not displayed, but the add button is displayed next to the type header. After adding a value the table would be displayed.

Sorry for typo. The DNS API ticket is #2082

Patch freeipa-mkosek-193-mark-optional-dns-record-parts.patch sent for review

Path freeipa-pvoborni-0070-Modifying-DNS-UI-to-benefit-from-new-DNS-API.patch sent for review on devel list.

Required server part change was pushed:

master: 635f0a4[[BR]]
ipa-2-2: 3f90f3f

Metadata Update from @pvoborni:
- Issue assigned to pvoborni
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 2.2 Core Effort - 2012/01

7 years ago

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