ff60afc Tests: Fix failing test_ipalib/test_parameters

1 file Authored by lryznaro 8 years ago, Committed by mbabinsk 8 years ago,
    Tests: Fix failing test_ipalib/test_parameters
    Parameters test fails because of KeyError caused by improper manipulation with
    kwargs in Param.__init__ method. During initialization, if kwargs['required']
    or kwargs['multivalue'] is None, it is delete from dictionary and hence the
    missing key. Small change of the condition prevents this from happening.
    Partially fixes https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/6292
    Backported to ipa-4-4 branch as per
    Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <mbabinsk@redhat.com>
file modified
+1 -1