f8e6c99 Less confusing message for PKINIT configuration during install

1 file Authored by Aleksei Slaikovskii 6 years ago, Committed by tkrizek 6 years ago,
    Less confusing message for PKINIT configuration during install
    The message about an error during replica setup was causing the
    users to think the installation gone wrong even though this was
    an expected behavior when ipa-replica-install was ran without
    --no-pkinit flag and CA somehow is not reachable which defines
    that there is something wrong in a topology but does not lead
    to failure of the replica's installation. So now installation
    will not print error messages to stdout but rather will give a
    recomendation to user and write the old error message to log
    as a warning so it still will be easy to find if needed.
    Reviewed-By: Stanislav Laznicka <slaznick@redhat.com>