e7581cc Test error when yubikey hardware not present

1 file Authored by myusuf 6 years ago, Committed by tdudlak 6 years ago,
    Test error when yubikey hardware not present
    In order to work with IPA and Yubikey, libyubikey is required.
    Before the fix, if yubikey added without having packages, it used to
    result in traceback. Now it the exception is handeled properly.
    It needs Yubikey hardware to make command successfull. This test
    just check of proper error thrown when hardware is not attached.
    related ticket : https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/6979
    Signed-off-by: Mohammad Rizwan Yusuf <myusuf@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <abokovoy@redhat.com>