d1eb7bc WebUI Tests: changing the ActionsChains.move_to_element to a new approach

1 file Authored by fbarreto 6 years ago, Committed by cheimes 6 years ago,
    WebUI Tests: changing the ActionsChains.move_to_element to a new approach
    The approach ActionChains.move_to_element no longer works as said here [1],
    so, it's necessary to change it to the new one. This means, running a
    javascript script to move the page to where the element is.
    There are more details in the link [1], but in summary the w3c spec is
    not obvious if a click should scroll the page to the element or not.
    In one hand Chrome and Edge does that, but Firefox don't. As we use
    Firefox to run the tests, we need the workaround.
    [1] https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/issues/776
    Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <pvoborni@redhat.com>