c5e8274 Revert "Only request VALID certs when revoking certs for a host/service"

Authored and Committed by rcritten 3 years ago
    Revert "Only request VALID certs when revoking certs for a host/service"
    This reverts commit aa1350384ad6a7d6b2f6056d99fbb43c5c5a6be7.
    The search for certificates is a complex, three-step process,
    which filters results in subsequent searches. This filters out
    non-relevant certificates when deleting a host or service.
    This patch breaks that so deleting one service of a host will
    revoke *all* certificates for that host.
    Another attempt will be made separately to implement this.
    Signed-off-by: Rob Crittenden rcritten@redhat.com
    Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <frenaud@redhat.com>
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+2 -0
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+1 -3
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+10 -25