From 8e142bc1d48183674859d3e63144d71a89ce1836 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sudhir Menon Date: Aug 14 2023 07:55:42 +0000 Subject: ipatests: idm api related tests. IDM API related tests are automated in the above PR Ref: Signed-off-by: Sudhir Menon Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud --- diff --git a/ipatests/test_integration/ b/ipatests/test_integration/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eafef5d --- /dev/null +++ b/ipatests/test_integration/ @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ +# +# Copyright (C) 2018 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license +# +from __future__ import absolute_import + +from ipatests.test_integration.base import IntegrationTest +import textwrap + +API_INIT = """ + from ipalib import api, errors + api.bootstrap_with_global_options(context="server") + api.finalize() + api.Backend.ldap2.connect() + """ + +CERT = ( + b"MIIEkDCCAvigAwIBAgIBCzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADA5MRcwFQYDVQQKD\n" + b"A5URVNUUkVBTE0uVEVTVDEeMBwGA1UEAwwVQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgQXV0aG\n" + b"9yaXR5MB4XDTIzMDcyODE3MTIxOVoXDTI1MDcyODE3MTIxOVowKjEXMBU\n" + b"GA1UECgwOVEVTVFJFQUxNLlRFU1QxDzANBgNVBAMMBmpzbWl0aDCCASIw\n" + b"DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAOF0XFrdVXmKp95AVZW5o\n" + b"BWcij6vJPqeU3UpzTLbM+fROhNaKMX9S+yXrJHifOmhCOuNA8TtptKVJx\n" + b"CIDZ1/5KwPBk4vrnwOBtVMCftHj87MabBqV/nmQQrCiKTcJu4aQEDI9Qh\n" + b"yza09EJKvG8KkpnyuShtkP2LgkUxIqkjBg4DLV7grO+I+aG17QTuQxUTy\n" + b"icfYDBnzD4hTKPLf7d9KNyG+sEeyN0gceLFMUYaQ4lyapcSzYJwOSAc2B\n" + b"EU73tLaJlQORHL7HmhxrjD1IgZyxFjp/ofLVZFFoJAqjz2FWzOxmQw+bc\n" + b"0WTzQjeSTGx+l3htj7MmhIRBMqr3Um6zXkLKMCAwEAAaOCATAwggEsMB8\n" + b"GA1UdIwQYMBaAFCIXu6QtsiBVo1yZQZ7MMHTl5Wj6MEAGCCsGAQUFBwEB\n" + b"BDQwMjAwBggrBgEFBQcwAYYkaHR0cDovL2lwYS1jYS50ZXN0cmVhbG0ud\n" + b"GVzdC9jYS9vY3NwMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIE8DAdBgNVHSUEFjAUBggrBg\n" + b"EFBQcDAQYIKwYBBQUHAwIweQYDVR0fBHIwcDBuoDagNIYyaHR0cDovL2l\n" + b"wYS1jYS50ZXN0cmVhbG0udGVzdC9pcGEvY3JsL01hc3RlckNSTC5iaW6i\n" + b"NKQyMDAxDjAMBgNVBAoMBWlwYWNhMR4wHAYDVQQDDBVDZXJ0aWZpY2F0Z\n" + b"SBBdXRob3JpdHkwHQYDVR0OBBYEFNwQNQAG8MsKQPwMFyGzRiMzRAa5MA\n" + b"0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBgQB2g0mS8XAPI+aRBa5q7Vbp1245CvMP0Eq\n" + b"Cz6gvCNwtxW0UDKnB++d/YQ13ft+x9Xj3rB/M2YXxdxTpQnQQv34CUcyh\n" + b"PQKJthAsbKBpdusCGrbS54zKFR0MjxwOwIIDHuI6eu2AoSpsmYs5UGzQm\n" + b"oCfQhbImK7iGLy0rOHaON1cWAFmC6lzJ2TFELc4N3eLYGVZy2ZtyZTgA3\n" + b"l97rBCwbDDFF1JWoOByIq8Ij99ksyMXws++sNUpo/1l8Jt0Gn6RBiidZB\n" + b"ef4+kJN+t6RAAwRQ / 3cmEggXcFoV13KZ70PeMXeX6CKMwXIwt3q7A78\n" + b"Wc/0OIBREZLhXpkmogCzWCuatdzeBIhMhx0vDEzaxlhf32ZWfN5pFMpgq\n" + b"wLZsdwMf6J65kGbE5Pg3Yxk7OiByxZJnR8UlvbU3r6RhMWutD6C0aqqNt\n" + b"o3us5gTmfRc8Mf1l/BUgDqkBKOTU8FHREGemG1HoklBym/Pbua0VMUA+s\n" + b"0nECR4LLM/o9PCJ2Y3QPBZy8Hg=\n" +) + + +class TestAPIScenario(IntegrationTest): + """ + Tests for IDM API scenarios + """ + + topology = "line" + + def create_and_run_script(self, filename, user_code_script): + self.master.put_file_contents(filename, user_code_script) + self.master.run_command(["python3", filename]) + self.master.run_command(["rm", filename]) + + def test_idm_user_add(self): + """ + This test checks that ipa user using api.Command["user_add"] + and then checks that user is displayed using + api.Command["user_show"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + api.Command["user_add"]("jsmith", givenname="John", sn="Smith", + ipauserauthtype="otp") + cmd = api.Command["user_show"]("jsmith", all=True)["result"] + assert 'otp' in cmd['ipauserauthtype'] + assert 'John Smith' in cmd['cn'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_idm_user_find(self): + """ + This test checks that user is displayed + using api.Command["user_find"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["user_find"]("jsmith") + assert '1 user matched' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_idm_user_mod(self): + """ + This test checks that user attribute is modified + using api.Command["user_mod"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["user_mod"]("jsmith", + mail="")["result"] + assert '' in cmd['mail'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_disable_user(self): + """ + This test checks that user is disabled + using api.Command["user_disable"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["user_disable"]("jsmith") + assert 'Disabled user account "jsmith"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_enable_user(self): + """ + This test checks that user is enabled + using api.Command["user_enable"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["user_enable"]("jsmith") + assert 'Enabled user account "jsmith"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_create_ipa_group(self): + """ + This test checks that group is created + using api.Command["group_add"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["group_add"]("developers", gidnumber=500, + description="Developers") + assert 'Added group "developers"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_show_ipa_group(self): + """ + This test checks that group is displayed + using api.Command["group_show"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["group_show"]("developers") + assert 'developers' in cmd['result']['cn'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_ipa_group_mod(self): + """ + This test checks that group description is modified + using api.Command["group_mod"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["group_mod"]("developers", description='developer') + ["result"] + assert 'Modified group "developers"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_add_members_to_ipa_group(self): + """ + This test checks that member is added to group + using api.Command["group_add_member"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["group_add_member"]("developers", + user='jsmith')["result"] + assert 'jsmith' in cmd['member_user'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_ipa_group_find(self): + """ + This test checks that group is displayed + using api.Command["group_find"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["group_find"]("developers") + assert '1 group matched' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_remove_member_group(self): + """ + This test checks that group member is removed + using api.Command["group_remove_member"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["group_remove_member"]("developers", + user="jsmith") + assert 'member_user' not in cmd + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_add_permission(self): + """ + This test checks that permission is added + using api.Command["permission_add"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["permission_add"]("Create users", + ipapermright='add', type='user') + assert 'Added permission "Create users"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_create_hbac_rule(self): + """ + This test checks that hbac rule is added + using api.Command["hbacrule_add"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["hbacrule_add"]("sshd_rule") + assert 'Added HBAC rule "sshd_rule"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_add_hbac_service(self): + """ + This test checks that hbac service is added using + api.Command["hbacsvc_add"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["hbacsvc_add"]("chronyd") + assert 'Added HBAC service "chronyd"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_enable_hbac_rule(self): + """ + This test checks that hbac rule is enabled using + api.Command["hbacrule_enable"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["hbacrule_enable"]("sshd_rule") + assert 'Enabled HBAC rule "sshd_rule"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_create_sudo_rule(self): + """ + This test checks that sudo rule is created using + api.Command["sudorule_add"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["sudorule_add"]("timechange") + assert 'Added Sudo Rule "timechange"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_add_user_certificate(self): + """ + This test checks user certificate is added using + api.Command["user_add_cert"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + msg = 'Added certificates to user "jsmith"' + cmd = api.Command["user_add_cert"]("jsmith", usercertificate={CERT}) + assert msg in cmd["summary"] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_remove_user_certificate(self): + """ + This test checks that user certificate is removed + using api.Command["user_remove_cert"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + msg = 'Removed certificates from user "jsmith"' + cmd = api.Command["user_remove_cert"]("jsmith", usercertificate={CERT}) + assert msg in cmd["summary"] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_certmaprule_add(self): + """ + This test checks that certmap rule is added using + api.Command["certmaprule_add"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + msg = ('Added Certificate Identity Mapping Rule "testrule"') + cmd = api.Command["certmaprule_add"]("testrule") + assert msg in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_certmaprule_enable(self): + """ + This test checks that certmap rule is enabled + using api.Command["certmaprule_enable"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + msg = ('Enabled Certificate Identity Mapping Rule "testrule"') + cmd = api.Command["certmaprule_enable"]("testrule") + assert msg in cmd["summary"] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_certmaprule_disable(self): + """ + This test checks that certmap rule is disabled using + api.Command["certmaprule_disable"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + msg = ('Disabled Certificate Identity Mapping Rule "testrule"') + cmd = api.Command["certmaprule_disable"]("testrule") + assert msg in cmd["summary"] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_certmaprule_del(self): + """ + This test checks that certmap rule is deleted using + api.Command["certmaprule_del"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + msg = ('Deleted Certificate Identity Mapping Rule "testrule"') + cmd = api.Command["certmaprule_del"]("testrule") + assert msg in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_add_role(self): + """ + This test checks that role and privilege is added using + api.Command["role_add"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd1 = api.Command["role_add"]("junioradmin", + description="Junior admin") + assert 'Added role "junioradmin"' in cmd1["summary"] + cmd2 = api.Command.role_add_privilege("junioradmin", + privilege="Vault Administrators")["result"] + assert 'Vault Administrators' in cmd2["memberof_privilege"] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_add_subid(self): + """ + This test checks that subid is added for IPA user + using api.Command["subid_add"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["subid_add"](ipaowner="jsmith") + assert 'Added subordinate id ' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_add_otptoken(self): + """ + This test checks that otp token is added for IPA user + using api.Command["otptoken_add"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["otptoken_add"]( + type='HOTP', description='testotp', + ipatokenotpalgorithm='sha512', ipatokenowner='jsmith', + ipatokenotpdigits='6') + assert 'Added OTP token' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_user_del(self): + """ + This test checks that user is deleted + using api.Command["user_del"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["user_del"]("jsmith") + assert 'Deleted user "jsmith"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_remove_ipa_group(self): + """ + This test checks that group is removed + using api.Command["group_del"] + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + cmd = api.Command["group_del"]("developers") + assert 'Deleted group "developers"' in cmd['summary'] + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + ) + + def test_batch_command(self): + """ + This test checks that batch commands + can be run using api. + """ + user_code_script = textwrap.dedent( + f""" + {API_INIT} + batch_args = [] + for i in range(5): + user_id = "user%i" % i + args = [user_id] + kw = {{'givenname' : user_id, 'sn' : user_id}} + batch_args.append({{'method' : 'user_add', 'params' : [args, kw]}}) + api.Command["batch"](*batch_args) + """ + ) + self.create_and_run_script( + "/tmp/", user_code_script + )