87393da Restore old version of caIPAserviceCert for upgrade only

3 files Authored by ftweedal 7 years ago, Committed by pvomacka 7 years ago,
    Restore old version of caIPAserviceCert for upgrade only
    The latest version of caIPAserviceCert profile includes a feature
    that is not available before Dogtag 10.4, and this version of the
    profile is intended for new installs only (otherwise, problems will
    arise in topologies containing CA replicas at an earlier version).
    But IPA versions before v4.2 did not use LDAP-based profiles, so the
    new version of the profile gets imported when upgrading from
    pre-v4.2 to v4.5 or later.
    We do not yet have a proper version- and topology-aware profile
    update mechanism, so to resolve this issue, ship the older version
    of the profile alongside the newer version, and make sure we use the
    older version when importing the profile in an upgrade context.
    Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <frenaud@redhat.com>