7b976c6 use starttls in CSReplicationManager connection again

1 file Authored by pvoborni 8 years ago, Committed by tbabej 8 years ago,
    use starttls in CSReplicationManager connection again
    commit 2606f5aecd6ac0db31abb515b691529bb7eaf14e
    -            realm, hostname, dirman_passwd, port, starttls=True)
    +            realm, hostname, dirman_passwd, port)
    In CSReplicationManager
    which causes, e.g.:
    ipa-csreplica-manage -p Secret123 list ipa.example.com
    cannot connect to 'ldaps://ipa.example.com:389': TLS error -5938:Encountered end of file
    Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <tbabej@redhat.com>