5929d5d Use temporary pid file for chronyd -q task

1 file Authored by tdudlak 6 years ago, Committed by rcritten 6 years ago,
    Use temporary pid file for chronyd -q task
    chrony is causing an SELinux denial because of chronyd
    was not spawned using systemd and the command creates
    a pidfile for unconfined proccess in /var/run with SELinux label:
    Following chronyd daemon enablement with systemd will fail
    due to mismatched SELinux labels on chronyd pidfile.
    chronyd pidfile should be labeled with the following label:
    This also changes bindcmdaddress to not touch /var/run/chrony.
    Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>