572809c ipatests: update the test definitions on ipa-4-11 branch

14 files Authored by frenaud 6 months ago, Committed by rcritten 6 months ago,
    ipatests: update the test definitions on ipa-4-11 branch
    The tests are executed using a fedora 39 vagrant box.
    Available test suites:
    - gating (triggered on every new PR against ipa-4-11 branch)
    - nightly on latest fedora (f39 as of today)
    - nightly on latest fedora + selinux enforcing mode
    The job names follow the internal convention fedora-latest-ipa-4-11:
    they are executed on ipa-4-11 branch
    ipa-4-11 branch is tested only on fedora39, so latest means f39 here.
    Signed-off-by: Florence Blanc-Renaud <flo@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: Rafael Guterres Jeffman <rjeffman@redhat.com>