0010d07 ipatests: Test for ipa-backup with ipa not configured

2 files Authored by mpolovka 4 years ago, Committed by François Cami 4 years ago,
    ipatests: Test for ipa-backup with ipa not configured
    Added test class for executing tests without ipa server being
    configured. This is achieved by not providing topology attribute in the
    test class. Subsequently implemented test for PG6843 - ipa-backup does not create
    log file at /var/log/ - by invoking ipa-backup command with ipa server
    not configured and checking for expected error code presence of /var/log
    in the error message.
    Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <frenaud@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: Tibor Dudlák <tdudlak@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: François Cami <fcami@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <frenaud@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: Tibor Dudlák <tdudlak@redhat.com>
    Reviewed-By: François Cami <fcami@redhat.com>