#40 [RFE] support for other pastebin solution
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by ankursinha. Opened 6 years ago by arrfab.


We know that current pastebin support already "sticky notes" and "modernpaste" but I was wondering if adding support for other pastebin would be possible, and so "fpaste -U" would still work for people using is through epel on CentOS .
Underlying reason is that we'll probably move from our currently solution (sticky notes, so working with "fpaste -U", to something else : https://github.com/claudehohl/Stikked)

Happy to discuss that and come with some API examples for other cli that can paste to such "stikked" solution

Hello @arrfab,

I don't know if it really does support "sticky notes". It isn't meant to (and I haven't tested it since we moved to modernpaste either). If it does, that's just a result of sticky-notes and modernpaste using similar APIs I guess.

I can look into supporting stikked, but how easy or hard that is really depends on how similar the modernpaste and stikked APIs are.

If we want to do it properly, in the absence of a standard, we'll have to write backends for each server API, but I don't see myself having the cycles to work on that anytime soon.

Please feel free to hack and submit patches. We're always happy to accept them and improve fpaste.


So we deployed already our PoC and API is explained here : https://paste.centos.org/api
As it needs an api key, we quickly (still for PoC) built a client, with an api rolled-in for ease of use : https://cbs.centos.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=7241

I'll try to see the fpaste code if that can be added/done

I'm working on supporting stikked now. Stay tuned for updates! :clap:

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue tagged with: P: High, S: WIP, T: Maintenance

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue assigned to ankursinha

5 years ago

This is already complete. Closing.

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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