Steps to reproduce:
It says something like:
If you replace the command with dmesg | grep drm, you'll get the expected result:
I have attached a patch for this.
This bug is related (I didn't look here to see if it is reported already, just looked at bugzilla (will do next time (sorry))) Other issue which is not described here I can file another ticket if needed?
Just to comment on the patch (not an expert!), I suggested the same workaround in my bug report, but as I said there I think 'dmesg' is reading from limited size "buffer", so in case there is a lot of kernel messages, some important part can be lost in that method. (and mostly 'drm' stuff is initialized at "early boot", possibly some errors can appear later ...), and I used 'journalctl -k -b' to lists kernel log, but no luck to get the same output as dmesg (maybe I miss some extra 'journalctl' switch?)
Replying to [comment:2 bitlord]:
About this 'journalctl -k' (it automatically adds '-b' for current session/boot (journalctl(1) man page)) And maybe that is alternative on f21+ (or even f20+?) ( journalctl -k | grep drm ). It didin't work for me probably because of some issue with systemd(systemd-journald) (tracked here )
Fixed in Closing.
dmesg works, by the way, /var/log/dmesg doesn't exist.
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