zlopez / fedora-infra / ansible

Forked from fedora-infra/ansible 2 years ago

380366d Email aliases: Swap diversity@fp.o from @siddharthvipul1 to @jonatoni

1 file Authored by jflory7 8 months ago, Committed by kevin 8 months ago,
    Email aliases: Swap diversity@fp.o from @siddharthvipul1 to @jonatoni
    This commit swaps the recipients of the diversity@fp.o email address
    from @siddharthvipul1, the outgoing DEI Advisor, with @jonatoni, the
    incoming DEI Advisor for Fedora 39.
    ref: https://gitlab.com/fedora/dei/home/-/issues/21
    CC: @mattdm, who is also included as a recipient to this email alias.
    Signed-off-by: Justin W. Flory (he/him) <jwf@redhat.com>