zbyszek / fesco / fesco-docs

Forked from fesco/fesco-docs 4 years ago

bdf5cf3 3rd party repos policy: respond to feedback

Authored and Committed by Allan Day 3 years ago
    3rd party repos policy: respond to feedback
    Respond to feedback from FESCo in PR 32:
     - Stronger framing at the beginning of the document, to clarify the
       scope of the policy. Move the reference to Coprs here, which is
       more logical.
     - Software management tools section - clarify that it's only desktop
       apps that are required to show up in the desktop software manager.
       This hopefully clarifies the Steam example.
     - Clarify that the software management tools section only relates to
       tools provided by 3rd party repos. As such, remove the reference to
       Rubygems, NPM and so on - we expect those to come from the official
     - Tweak the "software labelling" clause to make it clearer.
     - Update the link to the packaging guidelines.
     - Rewrite the duplicates and replacements section, to make it clear
        - Duplicates should be parallel-installable
        - Replacements are mostly just for apps
        - Replacements are only for when the main distribution channel is
          changed for a piece of software