Maintain and update Fedora Cheat Cubes
In a cube:
This project is using itstool to support translation.
You can translate it in Fedora Cheat Cube projects inside the Fedora translation platform
An example with French to generate your localized svg file:
target=fr # change me msgfmt "./po/$target/Fedora_Cheat_Cube_Users.po" -o "./$" itstool -m "./$" -o ./ ./cubes/Fedora_Cheat_Cube_Users.svg rm "./$"
Remember you can download po files directly from Zanata and don’t have to wait for a pull in this repository.
Please note that all string in BOLD is, by default, not translatable (in a cube, the command are in bold). Note also that things in BOLD ITALIC are translatable, beacause they mean a "parameter" like command, user... and they have to be translated.
Especially for verbose languages, you'll have to manually adjust the localized position to make sure the result is clean.
The script allow you to make some abbreviationx for verbose languages. It works with a rules file where words and abbreviations are separated by '=':
services=sce activate/desactivate=act/des
You can use it on the .po file:
$ ./ abrev/fr.txt po/ fr.po