walters / fedora-comps

Forked from fedora-comps 7 years ago

774123b Make core Plasma (KDE) packages mandatory

Authored and Committed by adamwill 6 years ago
    Make core Plasma (KDE) packages mandatory
    This makes core Plasma desktop packages mandatory. That means
    the group they are in (kde-desktop) will not be considered to be
    'installed' if they are removed, and importantly, image composes
    will fail (as opposed to 'succeeding', but with the packages left
    out) if they are missing or not installable. That's the main
    benefit here.
    Amendments to the list welcome, this was just my best guess at
    what constitutes the really core packages.
    Signed-off-by: Adam Williamson <>
file modified
+6 -6