tripledes / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 4 years ago

b7700ea Remove WebUI identifiers from global namespace

14 files Authored by mkosek 13 years ago, Committed by admiyo 13 years ago,
    Remove WebUI identifiers from global namespace
    Many WebUI identifiers were defined in a global namespace. This is
    not a good programming practice and may result in name clashes,
    for example with other libraries.
    This patch moves these variables to IPA namespace or its
    sub-namespaces, when meaningful.
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+356 -354
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+3 -7
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+112 -121
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+14 -1
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+0 -71
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+7 -7
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+3 -3
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+3 -3
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+12 -10
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+3 -3