tripledes / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 4 years ago

46ad724 Use OpenSSH-style public keys as the preferred format of SSH public keys.

12 files Authored by jcholast 11 years ago, Committed by rcritten 11 years ago,
    Use OpenSSH-style public keys as the preferred format of SSH public keys.
    Public keys in the old format (raw RFC 4253 blob) are automatically
    converted to OpenSSH-style public keys. OpenSSH-style public keys are now
    stored in LDAP.
    Changed sshpubkeyfp to be an output parameter, as that is what it actually
    Allow parameter normalizers to be used on values of any type, not just
    unicode, so that public key blobs (which are str) can be normalized to
    OpenSSH-style public keys.
    ticket 2932, 2935
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