tomtryf / ipsilon

Forked from ipsilon 7 years ago

d6b7722 Add city to info plugin, fetch correct attrs in SSSD

2 files Authored by rcritten 8 years ago, Committed by puiterwijk 8 years ago,
    Add city to info plugin, fetch correct attrs in SSSD
    Add missing variable in the info plugins common list
    for city.
    Fix the mapping in the infosssd plugin where locality
    was being passed in as state. It is now set as city
    and st as state.
    Care needs to be taken with LDAP attributes as Ipsilon
    doesn't currently handle attribute aliases.
    Signed-off-by: Rob Crittenden <>
    Reviewed-by: Patrick Uiterwijk <>
file modified
+1 -0
file modified
+4 -1