tomtryf / ipsilon

Forked from ipsilon 7 years ago

426f03d Return PAM errors from mod_intercept_form_submit

2 files Authored by rcritten 8 years ago, Committed by puiterwijk 8 years ago,
    Return PAM errors from mod_intercept_form_submit
    This fixes several problems:
    1. The PAM error was being retrieved from the wrong location
    2. The error was not always logged properly
    3. The error was not propogated up
    4. Even if the error had been propgated up the auth_failed
       routine failed to pass it to the error page template.
    A dictionary is used to translate the PAM errors into something
    more consulable. This can be used eventually to translate
    into other languages.
    Signed-off-by: Rob Crittenden <>
    Reviewed-by: Patrick Uiterwijk <>
file modified
+16 -6
file modified
+2 -2