tdudlak / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

c0ae31d Ticket 48949 - os.makedirs() exist_ok not python2 compatible, added try/except

1 file Authored by xaellia 6 years ago, Committed by William Brown 6 years ago,
    Ticket 48949 - os.makedirs() exist_ok not python2 compatible, added try/except
    Bug Description:  os.makedirs on python3 takes an option that allows ignoring
    the error if the directory does not exist in python2. This should be made more
    portable by the use of the exception handling mechanism.
    Fix Description:  Wrap the call in a try except to handle osError.
    Author: xaellia
    Review by: wibrown
file modified
+4 -1