tdudlak / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

ae69e4a Ticket #48109 - substring index with nssubstrbegin: 1 is not being used with filters like (attr=x*)

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 9 years ago
    Ticket #48109 - substring index with nssubstrbegin: 1 is not being used with filters like (attr=x*)
    Description: subString index width was not properly passed to the
    syntax plugin in the substr search.  This patch fixes a couple of
    1. Pass substrlen array to syntax plugin by stashing it in pblock
    2. Advertised format "nsSubStr{Begin,Middle,End}: width" was not
       supported.  It is again supported.
    3. If both "nsSubStr{Begin,Middle,End}: width" and "nsMatchingRule:
       nsSubStr{Begin,Middle,End}=width" are specified, the former is
       honored, the latter is used if the former directive does not exist.
    Reviewed by (Thank you, Rich!!)