tdudlak / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

6aa9fdc Ticket #47431 - Duplicate values for the attribute nsslapd-pluginarg are not handled correctly

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 9 years ago
    Ticket #47431 - Duplicate values for the attribute nsslapd-pluginarg are not handled correctly
    In case nsslapd-pluginargN has simple syntax errors, recover them.
    1) nsslapd-pluginargN: val_1
       nsslapd-pluginargN: val_2
       nsslapd-pluginargN+1: val_3
       nsslapd-pluginargN: val_1
       nsslapd-pluginargN+1: val_2
       nsslapd-pluginargN+2: val_3
       Note: val_2 used to be ignored.
    2) nsslapd-pluginargM: val_1
       nsslapd-pluginargN: val_2
       nsslapd-pluginargN+1: val_3
       where N != M + 1
       nsslapd-pluginargM: val_1
       nsslapd-pluginargM+1: val_2
       nsslapd-pluginargM+2: val_3
       Note: nsslapd-pluginargN and the rest were not loaded.
    Reviewed by (Thank you, Rich!!)
file modified
+36 -14