tdudlak / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

2c1739a Ticket 48303 - Fix lib389 broken tests

9 files Authored by spichugi 6 years ago, Committed by William Brown 6 years ago,
    Ticket 48303 - Fix lib389 broken tests
    List of fixes through all the test suites:
    - Remove SER_DEPLOYED_DIR assignment, because now it is
    in by default.
    - Remove "Created on" block, because git contains this information.
    - Add Red Hat copyright block.
    - Add more logging.
    - Add more docstrings.
    - Fix the imports to the correct ones.
    - Fix expected exception assertions using pytest.raises.
    - Refactore code to the pytest compatibility.
    - Refactor nearly whole test suite logic, because previous one
    didn't have the proper test coverage.
    - Remove _add_user and _mod_user functions,
    because they are used nowhere.
    - Remove the test_delete test case, because replica.delete() is
    obsolete, use replica.enableReplication() instead.
    - Remove big block of commented code at the bottom.
    - Add tests to the test_disableReplication test case,
    now it is implimented.
    - Fix dictionary keys to the right ones, depends on what keys are
    expected in the source code. For example: 'newhost' to 'hostname'.
    Review by: mreynolds (Thanks!)
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+208 -217
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+385 -574
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+50 -41
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+53 -45