tdudlak / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

11898c3 Ticket 47526 - Allow memberof suffixes to be configurable

Authored and Committed by lkrispen 10 years ago
    Ticket 47526 - Allow memberof suffixes to be configurable
    Bug Description:  Request to apply referential memberof operations
    			to specific subtrees only
    Fix Description:  The fix adds a configuration parameters to the
    	memberof plugin:
    	nsslapd-memberofScope: <dn>
    	The logic implemented is:
    		If a member is added top group only if member and group
    		are in the defined memberof scope the memberof attribute
    		is updated.
    		If an entry is deleted and it is inside the scope, its
    		member references will be purged (like befoer, only apply scope)
    		If an entry is renamed and moved out of scope it will be handled
    		like a deletie and in addition its memberof attribute is removed.
    Reviewed by:  Thierry,Rich,Noriko -Thanks