tdudlak / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

0157eb1 Ticket #48904 - syncrepl search returning error 329; plugin sending a bad error code

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 8 years ago
    Ticket #48904 - syncrepl search returning error 329; plugin sending a bad error code
    Description: Implemented based upon the analysis by
    > the problem is in the new function send_ldap_intermediate() introduced for
    > sync_repl, it calls log_result (....,rc, ) where rc is the return code of
    > ber_put_seq(). It should call log_result( ...,1, ) if rc==LBER_ERROR and
    > (...,0,..) else.
    Instead of using 1 and 0, use ldap code LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR and LDAP_SUCCESS,
    Reviewed by (Thank you, William!!)
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