d2d6bfa Try something different for screen corruption after IPA uninstall

Authored and Committed by adamwill 5 years ago
    Try something different for screen corruption after IPA uninstall
    There's this annoying problem where the screen sometimes goes
    messed up after ipa-server-uninstall. 'clear' doesn't seem to
    really work to fix it up either. Let's try flipping between
    ttys. I don't like this much as it's already a pain trying to
    work out / remember what tty we might possibly be on at any
    given time, but I think we're always on either 1 or 3 here, so
    let's do ctrl-alt-f1 ctrl-alt-f3 to ensure at least one change
    and wind up on tty3...
    Signed-off-by: Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com>