spichugi / Directory_Services / 389-ds-base-test

Forked from a deleted repository 3 years ago

b6c1221 Issue 49530 - Add pseudolocalization option for dbgen

Authored and Committed by vashirov 6 years ago
    Issue 49530 - Add pseudolocalization option for dbgen
    Bug Description:
    Pseudolocalization can be used to test matching rules
    and indexing of UTF-8 strings in various attributes.
    Fix Description:
    Add new function 'pseudlocalize' to utils module of lib389 that accepts
    string and returns pseudolocalized string. For example:
    "389 Directory Server" will become "③⑧⑨ Ðîŕéçţöŕý Šéŕṽéŕ"
    Add new optional argument 'pseudol10n' for dbgen module that is False by
    default. If True, attributes like cn, sn, title, description, etc will
    be pseudolocalized.
    Reviewed by: lkrispen, tbordaz, spichugi (Thank you all!)
file modified
+18 -37
file modified
+110 -0