spichugi / Directory_Services / 389-ds-base-test

Forked from a deleted repository 3 years ago

8330887 Issue 49684 - AC_PROG_CC clobbers CFLAGS set by --enable-debug

Authored and Committed by vashirov 6 years ago
    Issue 49684 - AC_PROG_CC clobbers CFLAGS set by --enable-debug
    Bug description:
    Default CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS might be unset without --enable-debug.
    Fix description:
    * Provide default CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS that would be set by AC_PROG_CC
    * Split compiler flags and preprocessor flags into separate variables so
    they are applied in a correct order.
    Reviewed by: mhonek (Thanks!)
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