spichugi / Directory_Services / 389-ds-base-test

Forked from a deleted repository 3 years ago

14e413a Issue 49043 - Add replica conflict test suite

Authored and Committed by spichugi 6 years ago
    Issue 49043 - Add replica conflict test suite
    Description: Add a test suite which checks replication conflict resolution
    for basic operations like add, delete, modrdn, modify, operations on groups
    with memberOf plugin enabled, managed entries operations and nested entries.
    idm/user.py - add create_test_user method which allows default user creation
    with given uid and guid.
    _mapped_object.py - add delete_tree() method for DSLdaObject class
    _constants.py - add access log level constants AccessLog(IntEnum) and ErrorLog(IntEnum)
    Fix topologies tearDown part. Replace map() with list comprehensions, because
    in Python 3, map() returns iterator and it doesnt execute the content on init.
    Reviewed by: wibrown, lkrispen (Thanks!)
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