spichugi / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

e81fa85 Ticket 49789 - By default, do not manage unhashed password

Authored and Committed by tbordaz 5 years ago
    Ticket 49789 - By default, do not manage unhashed password
    Bug Description:
        By default, unhashed#user#password is recorded into changelog database.
        It is a specific use when some plugin need to know the clear text password on update.
        This should be disabled ('off') by default
    Fix Description:
        Switch the default value from 'on' to 'off'
    Reviewed by: Viktor Ashirov, Simon Pichugi, Mark Reynolds
    Platforms tested: F27
    Flag Day: no
    Doc impact: no
file modified
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