spichugi / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

b28d8b4 Ticket 47671 - CI lib389: allow to open a DirSrv without having to create the instance

2 files Authored by tbordaz 6 years ago, Committed by William Brown 6 years ago,
    Ticket 47671 - CI lib389: allow to open a DirSrv without having to create the instance
    Bug Description:
    	DSAdmin allowed to bind to an already existing instance without creation of the instance.
    	Allocate() and open() require that a server-id is provided during Allocate.
    	This prevents to allocate a DirSrv? to bind to an existing instance.
    Fix Description:
    	Change Allocate so that SER_SERVERID_PROP is not mandatory.
    	Change Open so that if self.serverid is not defined it retrieves it from the instance (self.inst)
    Reviewed by: Rich Megginson
    Platforms tested: F17/F19(jenkins)
    Flag Day: no
    Doc impact: no
file modified
+16 -8
file modified
+43 -16