spichugi / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

ae39d1f Ticket 50159 - sssd and config display

Authored and Committed by firstyear 5 years ago
    Ticket 50159 - sssd and config display
    Bug Description: It can be very hard and confusing for an admin
    when they first start with LDAP to know how to configure clients
    both generic, ldapcli tools or sssd.
    Fix Description: Add a subcommand to dsidm that allows generation
    of example configs for ldap.conf, sssd.conf and generic display
    of parameters for LDAP clients. These have been tested to work on
    SUSE and Fedora, and they are well commented to advise admins
    to review and improve the configurations.
    Author: William Brown <william@blackhats.net.au>
    Review by: ???
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+2 -0
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