spichugi / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 6 years ago

2031ed0 Ticket 50224 - warnings on deprecated API usage

Authored and Committed by firstyear 5 years ago
    Ticket 50224 - warnings on deprecated API usage
    Bug Description: There have been many cases of incorrect and
    invalid api usage. As we go on, we can't allow more usage of
    these apis to be added as it only puts more work on us in
    the future to remove.
    Fix Description: Add deprecation warnings to these apis, telling
    people they will be removed, and where their faulty code is.
    Author: William Brown <william@blackhats.net.au>
    Review by: mreynolds (Thanks!)
file modified
+69 -10
file modified
+34 -4