slev / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 5 years ago

c4f396d Ticket 47446 - memory continually grows

Authored and Committed by rmeggins 9 years ago
    Ticket 47446 - memory continually grows
    Bug Description:  Running without any special options
                      continually consumes more memory.
    Fix Description:  The last fix introduced the use of regex matches which
                      caused the value of $1 to become undefined.  When using
                      all of the logconv cmd line switches, many undefined
                      variable warnings were printed.  This fix saves the value
                      of $1 in a local variable so that it it not undefined by
                      the use of subsequent regex matches.
    Reviewed by: mreynolds (Thanks!)
file modified
+11 -6