sinnykumari / fedora-atomic

Forked from fedora-atomic 6 years ago

Fedora Atomic (Host)

Fedora Atomic is one of the three main variants of Fedora that is an implementation of the Atomic Host pattern defined by Project Atomic.

See the original change: as well as the updated

Tools and source files

The fedora-atomic-host.json file is the core manifest defining what goes into the host (OSTree) content.

The rpm-ostree tool is invoked in two places inside Fedora infrastructure.

First, the release OSTree commits (used to generate pre-release trees) are created by:

The updates trees are generated inside bodhi:

In both case, rpm-ostree makes an OSTree commit from a set of RPM packages, which clients then replicate.

This git repository holds the core manifest file fedora-atomic-host.json that is used for that process.

To run an rpm-ostree compose locally, do something like:

if ! test -d repo; then mkdir -p repo && ostree --repo=repo init --mode=archive-z2; fi
rpm-ostree compose --repo=repo tree fedora-atomic/fedora-atomic-host.json

Later tools like rpm-ostree-toolbox will consume this OSTree commit, placing the content into several image types like an installer, a cloud image, a PXE-to-Live image, etc.

Cloud images

Cloud (VM) images are generated inside Koji (using ImageFactory -> Anaconda), using the tree content (note use of the ostreesetup Kickstart verb).

The spin-kickstarts for Fedora is here:

The images are started via the above releng git repository, and a list of Koji tasks can be found here:


Installer is different for 2 reasons: - Embeds the OSTree content (unlike mainline, the OS is assembled on the server side) - Uses different partitioning scheme -

To build it, you use lorax. However, lorax presently assumes that host = target (i.e. if you want to build a Fedora 22 Anaconda, you need a Fedora 22 host). You can choose to use either mock or docker (or some other container tool), or VMs of course.

Currently Fedora rel-eng runs lorax inside mock:

For Project Atomic we developed rpm-ostree-toolbox which uses Docker/ImageFactory to run lower level tools like lorax; it takes a high level config file called config.ini.

However, for Fedora it is now a bit out of date because it hasn't been updated to match how Fedora rel-eng now runs lorax; specifically the config files are duplicated with the content in

For some information on how this developed, see:

But, to use it, get a clone of this git repo, then something like:

rpm-ostree-toolbox installer --ostreerepo repo -c fedora-atomic/config.ini -o installer


  • dgilmore wanted QA process for gating respins of this (Theoretically similar to cloud image updates)
  • Concern how often to respin public mirror space for arbitrary content


  • No GPG signing (On either Fedora or CentOS)

Bodhi and updates