shanks / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 5 years ago

18a2109 Changes to use a single database for dogtag and IPA

14 files Authored by vakwetu 11 years ago, Committed by mkosek 11 years ago,
    Changes to use a single database for dogtag and IPA
    New servers that are installed with dogtag 10 instances will use
    a single database instance for dogtag and IPA, albeit with different
    suffixes.  Dogtag will communicate with the instance through a
    database user with permissions to modify the dogtag  suffix only.
    This user will authenticate using client auth using the subsystem cert
    for the instance.
    This patch includes changes to allow the creation of masters and clones
    with single ds instances.
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+0 -9
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+19 -4
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+5 -1
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+11 -1
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+89 -16