sgouvern / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 4 years ago

a77abdb Issue 50325 - Add Security tab to UI

23 files Authored by mreynolds 4 years ago, Committed by mreynolds 4 years ago,
    Issue 50325 - Add Security tab to UI
    Description:  This updates the CLI and UI to handle a majority of
                  the security configuration.  It also adds support
                  for PF dual list selection even though I ended up
                  not using it.
    Reviewed by: spichugi, and mhonek (Thanks!!)
    Fixed Simon's issues
    Fix issue with listing certs with spaces in the name
    Fix npm vulnerabilities
    Fix selinux port labeling, and add 'saving' spinners
    Use a regex for parsing certutil output
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