sgouvern / 389-ds-base

Forked from 389-ds-base 4 years ago

1bb122c Ticket 511 - allow turning off vattr lookup in search entry return

4 files Authored by mreynolds 11 years ago, Committed by rmeggins 11 years ago,
    Ticket 511 - allow turning off vattr lookup in search entry return
    Bug Description:  Functions vattr_map_namespace_sp_getlist and slapi_vattr_namespace_values_get_sp,
                      take a long time, even if there are no vattrs being used.
    Fix Description:  Added a new atomic config setting to ignore vattrs.  Then we bypass the expensive
                      vattr code when disabled.
                      New config setting:   nsslapd-ignore-virtual-attrs: on|off  default is "off"
    Reviewed by: ?
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+27 -0
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+4 -0
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+19 -9