sgallagh / pagure

Forked from pagure 7 years ago

2eaa12d Use context managers to ensure files are closed

Authored and Committed by jcline 7 years ago
    Use context managers to ensure files are closed
    There were several places where context managers were not being used and
    files were potentially not being closed.
    I started investigating this since the unit tests are not passing if the
    code directory is mounted with SSHFS. The test setUp failed to remove
    directories with ``shutil.rmtree`` with "directory not empty". Looking
    at the directories, there were .fuse_hidden* files so I assumed the
    file handles were being leaked. The tests are still failing so I've
    either missed something in my search or that was not the problem, but I
    thought this would be a good change in any case.
    Signed-off-by: Jeremy Cline <>
file modified
+6 -6