sergiomb / FedoraReview

Forked from FedoraReview 6 years ago

a7fb617 Refactor

Authored and Committed by leamas 12 years ago
    At 1200 lines and growing, the file is too large. The dependency
    list is also huge. Splitting it into more manageable units, basically one
    class per file. Normalizing filenames to lower_case.
    Remove use of requests class, there are problems with some compressed
    files being expanded on download. Use urllib instead, as elsewhere in f-r.
file modified
+3 -0
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+2 -1
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+15 -1035
src/FedoraReview/ src/FedoraReview/
file renamed
+2 -6
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+1 -3
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+2 -1
file modified
+2 -1
file modified
+2 -2
file modified
+3 -5
file modified
+4 -8
file modified
+6 -8
file modified
+12 -12