schlupov / copr / copr

Forked from copr/copr 4 years ago

79ba31a backend: avoid excception-hell in check_build_success()

2 files Authored by praiskup 4 years ago, Committed by msuchy 4 years ago,
    backend: avoid excception-hell in check_build_success()
    Previously, we expected that Builder.check_build_success() raised
    BuilderError in case of error, but this never happened - we instead
    raised RemoteCmdError which was never catched.
    Instead of cathing RemoteCmdError, execute `` directly;  it is
    both faster (we ignore stdout/stderr) and both we can avoid the
    exception handling mesh in every call.
    The only exception which could be raised there is SSHConnectionError,
    which is carefully catched in
    Relates: #987