sayanchowdhury / Drake

Forked from Drake 7 years ago


 ____            _          ____        _   
|  _ \ _ __ __ _| | _____  | __ )  ___ | |_
| | | | '__/ _` | |/ / _ \ |  _ \ / _ \| __|
| |_| | | | (_| |   <  __/ | |_) | (_) | |_
|____/|_|  \__,_|_|\_\___| |____/ \___/ \__|


An IRC bot written in D.

Drake is a basic IRC bot that im working on to coincide with myself learning Dlang. As my knowledge of the D language grows I will do my best to expand upon Drake and make its features and source code reflect said knowledge.


To install required dependencies in the project directory run dub and you should be good to go. For instructions on installing dub on your system see

See The dub file for dependencies details.

cd ./drake

As of 11/11/15 the only external library utilized is vibed

Planned Features

  • [ ] Log Chat history when told
  • [ ] Yell at people for pasting directly into IRC and/or ping them with a link to gist
  • [ ] Play "guess what? Chicken butt" ( Because why not? )
  • [ ] Simple response when name is mentioned ( i.e. Display list of commands when "Drake help" is mentioned etc )

Things I'd like to implement in the future:

  • [ ] Control via web panel?
  • [ ] public stats via web panel?



Special thanks to Dylan Allbee ( dallbee ) for helping me get started with Dlang and for giving me tips with the bots development.