rjeffman / bind-dyndb-ldap

Forked from bind-dyndb-ldap 4 years ago

827c8d6 Add support for write-back to LDAP after a DNS update.

Authored and Committed by pspacek 10 years ago
    Add support for write-back to LDAP after a DNS update.
    Current code doesn't try to do re-synchronization after an error
    during update. The error is logged and SERVFAIL is returned to
    the client but no re-synchronization is scheduled.
    Some hardening against race conditions will be required. Some data could
    be potentially lost if events in syncrepl queue are not processed fast
    Signed-off-by: Petr Spacek <pspacek@redhat.com>
file modified
+139 -12
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+65 -1
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+8 -1