rcritten / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 6 years ago

d4ad2c9 Installation must publish CA cert in /usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt

1 file Authored by frenaud 7 years ago, Committed by mbasti 7 years ago,
    Installation must publish CA cert in /usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt
    Regression introduced with commit d124e30.
    ipa-server-install and ipa-replica-install must publish the CA cert
    in /usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt, otherwise the web page
    http://ipaserver.ipadomain.com/ipa/config/ssbrowser.html has a link to
    http://ipaserver.ipadomain.com/ipa/config/ca.crt but this file is missing.
    Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>