rcritten / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 6 years ago

b17dfe4 Refactor backup_and_replace_hostname() into a flexible config modification tool

2 files Authored by abbra 12 years ago, Committed by rcritten 12 years ago,
    Refactor backup_and_replace_hostname() into a flexible config modification tool
    backup_and_replace_hostname() was doing three things:
        1. Given config file in 'key=value' style, replace value for a
           specified key (HOSTNAME)
        2. Backup original file and install a replacement
        3. Restore original security context after editing
    We have several more places where parts of the functionality are needed,
    thus making two tools in ipapython.ipautil:
        1. config_replace_variables(filepath, replacevars=dict(),
           Replaces or appends values to specified keys, adding new key=value
           pairs if key was absent
        2. backup_config_and_replace_variables(fstore, filepath,
           Backups config file and calls config_replace_variables()
    A caller must handle security context after using these two tools.
    In addition, as before, there is
    ipapython.services.backup_and_replace_hostname() that uses
    these common tools and restores security context after editing.
    The code will be used extensively for systemd integration for Fedora 16.
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