rcritten / freeipa

Forked from freeipa 6 years ago

5681aea Fixed host adder dialog.

Authored and Committed by edewata 12 years ago
    Fixed host adder dialog.
    The host adder dialog has been modified to show separate fields for
    hostname and DNS zone. The hostname is a text field and the DNS zone
    is an editable drop-down list. The fields will have the following
     - If the user types a dot into the hostname field, the cursor will
       automatically move into the DNS zone field.
     - If the user pastes an FQDN into the hostname field, the value will
       automatically be split into hostname and DNS zone.
     - If the user selects a value from the drop-down list, it will only
       change the DNS zone, not the hostname.
    Ticket #1457
file modified
+143 -17
file modified
+12 -0