qulogic / r2spec

Forked from r2spec 6 years ago

5d1cff2 os.getlogin() raises an exception if the current session cannot be found in the /var/run/utmp file. This can happen if the user is not running from a login shell, e.g. from tmux.

1 file Authored by Shawn Lower 12 years ago, Committed by pingou 12 years ago,
    os.getlogin() raises an exception if the current session cannot be found in the /var/run/utmp file. This can happen if the user is not running from a login shell, e.g. from tmux.
    This change tries os.getlogin() but falls back to using either the $LOGNAME
    environment variable, or pwd.getpwduid(os.getuid())[0]
file modified
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